Educator's Springboard Program (EdSP)

Educator’s Springboard Program (EDSP) is a series of 90 minutes Free Online Sessions connecting Educators of schools (from towns, cities and villages) and Premier Institutions from 3 Continents, 5 Countries to define the future of primary, secondary and high school education in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.

Who is EdSP for ?_1

Educators (teaching middle school and above)_1

What do participants do?_2

… Listen/exchange ideas
… Ask questions
… Speak (in every session 3 Educators get 5-7 mins each, slot must be requested for in advance on 1st Come 1st serve basis)_2

Who would be the Speakers?_3

Academicians, Writers, Technocrats, Scientists, Psychologists, Researchers, Explorers, Administrators, Sports Personalities, Entrepreneurs, Social workers and other achievers._3

Why a program like EdSP?_4

In tough times it is the inner strength that keeps us motivated. It is the holistic development of all the aspects of Human Life, which helps us realize the PURPOSE of Life. It has become pertinent for educators/ social workers that we share wisdom, vision, values, knowledge, experiences, skills, techniques, and motivation to enable our future generation to prosper in a true sense as wise servants of humanity._4

We know “Educators Are the Architects of Our Society” and we have the highest level of reverence for them.

 The Boston Pledge wishes to partner with the teaching community to advance their promise and commitment in continually becoming more resourceful in inspiring and nurturing their students to be “genuine leaders and confident problem solvers” with a global conscience.

Tentative Schedule of EDSP

Upcoming Events

Aug 22 EdSP session
+1 617-512-3038[email protected]
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