As non-profit organization served by volunteers adheres to certain guidelines with uncompromising dedication:
TBP will not have any affiliation with any political party any where in the world; it will work as independent body to meet its objectives with dedication to excellence.
TBP will work with different cultural and ethnic organizations around the world and will not align with any single one on an exclusive basis.
Members of the working group will be those students and professionals who dedicate certain amount of time to serve and/or anchor various initiatives that TBP will undertake.
As members of TBP we value our colleagues irrespective of the background they represent, and treat each other with reverence.
TBP is run as a non profit organization; its members – core and associates are not compensated for their time commitment.
Out of pocket expenses related to development of marketing, organization of seminars, limited travel related expenses (on permission of the board) will be compensated with the receipts of services/products sourced are properly documented.
At the core of TBP we believe only constant is “change”. In that spirit, as TBP develops it will be open to new thoughts; accordingly as required The Boston Pledge leadership will consider amending the above, and adding any additional guidelines so that The Boston Pledge could continually evolve its charter in increasing its effectiveness.