As we move into the new millennium, in spite of powerful technologies and socio-economic advancements in various regions, our world confronts an increasing disparity between developed and less developed regions. In a shrinking world, living with such huge economic gaps as well as the ecological crisis makes our civilization both fragile and dangerous. The disturbing events of the 21st century provide ample evidence that people from developed nations must reach out to improve the lot of those from underprivileged states. The benefits of progress in certain pockets of the globe must be shared universally for the continuing survival of humankind.
The Boston Pledge (TBP) was born at the dawn of the new millennium at a city with a long history of nurturing revolutionary movements. Since 2001 we have evolved into a global organization where people from all walks of life have begun to work toward our goal of economic equity and cultural well-being among the less privileged populations of the world.